February 2, 2012


Hello everyone hope you have all been well ,
iv been pottering around finding things to keep the children amused ,school holidays are almost finished they head back in about one and a half weeks , so next week will be a bit busy getting organised I'll post more about that then!!
so here are some of the goodies i found at the op shop!!

Molly's shoe organiser $5
that little skirt is pumpkin patch got it for a couple of dollars .
soup warmer.
one of two hand puppets for miss molly!
just one item of the cute things i got for molly.
two throws for $3 each.
Good score $1


  1. HI Heidi...your made out like a pack rat lol..
    Made some go deal... that is always so much fun ; }
    Hope all is well with you all!

  2. You most certainly got some great bargains at the OP! Reminds me that I should try to find some puppets for Jack again, he enjoyed the last one to pieces!

    Getting the kids ready for back to school can be a difficult chore, you make it look so easy!

  3. Those are good finds! I love thrift store (op shop) shopping.

  4. You scored some great finds! Enjoy these last few days with them before they head off again~
